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Burjman Ghana
At Burjman, we don’t just build structures; we create lasting legacies. Learn More
Industrial Recycling
The Way to Go..
We believe in turning challenges into opportunities by transforming waste into valuable resources. Contact Us
Global Outlook
Local Roots
With a team of experts, we consistently deliver projects that transform communities and redefine standards.

Talk To Us


Burjman Ghana Limited is a proudly Ghanaian-owned company that stands as a beacon of excellence in the fields of general construction, industrial recycling, and manufacturing. Guided by a vision of long- term sustainability, continuous innovation, and quality, we are committed to delivering exceptional services that empower industries, communities, and the environment

What We Do

 With a team of experts, we consistently deliver projects that transform communities and redefine standards. As a company, We believe in turning challenges into opportunities and that is evident in all processes of our work.

General Construction

Our construction services are marked by precision, innovation, and a deep understanding of engineering principles. With a team of experts, we consistently deliver projects that transform communities and redefine standards....

Industrial Recycling

Burjman Ghana Limited is at the forefront of industrial recycling within the region, addressing the urgent need for sustainable waste management solutions. We believe in turning challenges into opportunities....


At Burjman, our manufacturing division is dedicated to delivering high-quality products that meet the evolving needs of our clients. Leveraging advanced technology and a commitment to excellence, we drive innovation....

A Brand You Can Trust

Our Principal objective as a company is to ensure that our clients are always happy with our products and services. We never compromise on quality and client satisfaction remains our topmost priority as a leading Engineering company.

With several years active experience, we strive to offer our cherished clients the very best in terms of products and service. Our hallmark which includes, equity, excellence, best quality, discipline, trust and team work has never changed over all these years.



Why Choose Burjman Ghana Limited

Unparalleled Expertise

With a robust portfolio and a team of highly skilled professionals, Burjman is synonymous with quality and innovation.

Commitment to Sustainability

At Burjman Ghana, we integrate eco-friendly practices into every aspect of our operations, driving sustainable growth.

Global Outlook, Local Roots

While firmly rooted in Ghana, we embrace global standards and partnerships, ensuring world-class solutions.


As a company we boldly embrace new concepts, strategies and ideas by investing in technologies giving us an edge over any possible competitors


Burjman Ghana is a company that believes in teamwork, sustainable partnerships, and effective collaborations making us a formidable brand

Quality Services

When you Talk of Burjman Ghana you are fully assured of best quality services. Our clients remain our topmost priority and we never compromise on…

Partnership With WorkStudio Inc.

Textile Recycling Board

Recycled Boards

Recycled Furniture

Clients reviews

Mr Issah (CEO) of Burjman is a great leader with exceptional managerial skills. He is a man you will always love to work with because of his honesty and dedication.
Jones Ansah
Founder, Marklin Engineering
I highly reccomend Burjman to anyone looking for a reliable and Trustworthy construction company to work with. Very solid company with credible team.
Francis Tetteh
We are proud to be associated with the Burjman Group. Since our partnership they have been very consistent, professional and very dedicated .
Hinata Fumiko
Brand Consultant

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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