
Meet Our Team

Mr. Issah Gariba

Managing Director, Burjman Ghana Limited

As the Managing Director of Burjman Ghana Limited, Issah Gariba brings a wealth of expertise and

visionary leadership to one of Ghana’s most dynamic enterprises. With extensive experience in construction and manufacturing, Issah Gariba has played an instrumental role in positioning Burjman Ghana as one of the leaders in construction, industrial recycling, and manufacturing within the region.

Mr. David Osei Agyei

Operations Manager

Mr. David Osei Agyei is a seasoned professional with a robust background in strategic international partnerships and project management. He currently serves as the Operations Manager at Burjman Ghana Limited, where he spearheads operational excellence and drives impactful projects in sustainable energy, innovative solutions, and modern technology.

Mr. Baaba Saed

Head of Finance & admin

Mr. Saed Baaba is an accomplished finance professional with extensive expertise in financial and strategic budgeting, as well as tax management. As the Head of Finance and Administration at Burjman Ghana Limited, he plays a pivotal role in overseeing the company’s financial health, ensuring operational efficiency, and driving strategic decision-making processes.

Dr. Elsie Yayrah

Head of Human Resource

Dr. Elsie Yayrah is a distinguished expert in human development and behavioral psychology, serving as the Head of Human Resources at Burjman Ghana Limited. With a Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology and extensive experience working with multinational corporations across Asia, she brings unparalleled expertise to the organization.

Mr. Dankasina Gariba

Head of Business Dev.

Mr. Dankasina Gariba is an accomplished Business Development Manager at Burjman Ghana Limited, with a strong expertise in expanding customer and client bases while ensuring exceptional satisfaction. With a results-driven approach and a commitment to excellence, Mr. Gariba has been pivotal in driving the company’s growth ..

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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