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Mr. Dankasina Gariba

Head of Business Development

Mr. Dankasina Gariba is an accomplished Business Development Manager at Burjman Ghana Limited, with a strong expertise in expanding customer and client bases while ensuring exceptional satisfaction. With a results-driven approach and a commitment to excellence, Mr. Gariba has been pivotal in driving the company’s growth and market presence.

In his role, Mr. Gariba focuses on identifying and capitalizing on new business opportunities, forging strategic partnerships, and building long-term relationships with clients. His ability to understand market dynamics and client needs allows him to develop tailored solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Mr. Gariba’s dedication to maintaining client and customer satisfaction is at the heart of his professional

ethos. By fostering trust and delivering consistent value, he has successfully enhanced Burjman Ghana Limited’s reputation as a customer-centric organization. His proactive communication and problem- solving skills ensure seamless interactions and positive experiences for all stakeholders.

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