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Dr. Elsie Yayrah

Head of Human Resource

Dr. Elsie Yayrah is a distinguished expert in human development and behavioral psychology, serving as the Head of Human Resources at Burjman Ghana Limited. With a Ph.D. in Behavioral Psychology and extensive experience working with multinational corporations across Asia, she brings unparalleled expertise to the organization.

Dr. Yayrah’s career has been defined by her dedication to understanding and enhancing human

potential within the workplace. She specializes in designing and implementing innovative HR strategies that promote employee engagement, professional growth, and organizational success. Her deep understanding of behavioral psychology allows her to develop tailored solutions that address complex workforce challenges, fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

Throughout her career, Dr. Yayrah has played a pivotal role in building resilient teams and optimizing human capital for global organizations. Her work spans diverse industries, where she has successfully led initiatives in talent acquisition, leadership development, and organizational transformation.

At Burjman Ghana Limited, Dr. Yayrah leverages her multinational experience to align the company’s HR practices with global standards while addressing the unique needs of a dynamic and culturally diverse workforce. Her strategic insights and compassionate leadership have been instrumental in creating an

environment where employees thrive, contributing to the company’s sustained success.

Passionate about empowering people and organizations, Dr. Yayrah’s influence extends beyond corporate boundaries. She is an advocate for mentorship and professional development, consistently championing initiatives that support individual and collective growth. Dr. Yayrah remains a driving force in redefining human resources within the modern corporate landscape

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